The Holy Grail of online video is views and conversions. But you need to think a little differently business videos than you do for simple fame and fortune. There’s actually more strategy involved.
This two-part series takes a closer look at the 19 top techniques for getting more targeted views for your videos.

And they do work. I’ve been using them and so have my students and we’ve seen great results. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of views where they used to be in the single digits, which, unfortunately is what most YouTube videos get.

Time to get ready for your closeup!

    10 replies to "19 Strategies For Growing Your Audience – Pt. 1"

    • After spending the last several hours learning Sony Vegas Editing software for my upcoming video, I am filled with awe by your creativity in your own coaching video. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I am filled with inspiration and fully committed to crack this code of moving ahead with video.

      Thanks alot for your teaching. Eliana

      • admin

        You’re so welcome 🙂

    • Another question just popped up re: grouping videos.
      Wondering about

      1) Subject ideas for grouping my channel videos on which would move it forward?

      2) I love the idea of putting in other people’s videos. Would you add videos of the keywords you are wanting to grow into, or of keywords which got you the most views already?

      • admin

        For #2, use the same keywords you built the original video for.
        #1 is a bit more related to your personal strategy. Let’s chat in The Greenroom, OK?

    • James Ehrlich

      Dear Steven,

      You did a wonderful job with this video–very natural, relaxed and engaging content. Do you use a teleprompter or perhaps have a computer monitor that allows you to remember the content and create dialogue? What do you suggest we use so that we can easily read the dialogue we are delivering?

      • admin

        If you’re going to read the dialogue, then you must use a monitor of some kind. And unless you are far away from the camera, say 8 or 9 feet, then it might have to be an actual teleprompter. You can easily make one for a few dollars.

        The simpler choice is to be on camera a little less at a time so that you don’t have to memorize anything, and use the other video to cover you.

        I do use a teleprompter, but alas, I have to write it all myself 🙂

    • wes

      like your low key style almost as much as I like your message

      • admin

        Thank you! High praise coming from a writer 🙂

    • Usuff

      Can’t wait for your other nine tips. I can guess one of them already (maybe). You had the transcript of the video uploaded so I could read along when I followed you. These are quality tips you’re giving out. Look forward to more. Thanks.

      • admin

        Ah, you got me! 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement. Part 2 will be out on Tuesday.

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