
Getting outside yourself. There are so many places this shows up as a good thing.

Here’s one. Being on camera is like trying to hit a golf ball. It’s best to keep a Zen mind in the act. You simply got to get out of yourself to be successful.

But how do you DO that? We’re far too busy to slow down enough to even think about “mindset”.

Or are we?

Try adding this simple little recipe to your on-camera work and see if it doesn’t make your audience feel a whole lot more comfortable and give you a lot more power as you get into the “swing” of it.

Now it’s your turn. What are your favorite ways to get comfortable on camera? What makes you feel powerful? What helps you communicate better? Inquiring minds would love to know! 🙂

Oh, and here’s the link from the end of the video.

    6 replies to "How to Get the Right On-Camera Mindset"

    • Sergio Felix

      Hey Steven, fantastic video tips as always and just for the record I actually noticed you are using a box with markup language (from schema.org) to define this article on your blog.

      This is actually the very first time I ever see this implemented on a marketer’s website so congratulations man.

      Have you been using this for a while and if so, have your organic search improved or not yet?

      Sorry to ask this on a video tips but I’m seriously interested in that part (I always enjoy your videos though)


    • Steven

      Been using it kind of sporadically. I thought it might help. I haven’t been very diligent about tracking the results, so I can’t say if it’s really made a difference. Glad you liked the video, though. 🙂

    • Patricia

      Hello Steve, I enjoyed your video and listening to you. I felt like we were old friends. Mindset is the way to go and I am working on it everyday. Your steps were will organized and they gave me courage to go forward with video. You see, I have a comforting voice, but I am shy. Hopefully, your suggestions will get me to do a video. Thanks!

      • Steven Washer

        Voice is more than 50% of the game, Patricia. You should go for it with your natural gifts!

    • Michael Yardney

      Thanks Steve
      You’re right – success at anything is much like success at sport – mindset is critical and so is practice

      • Steven Washer

        Indeed. At the highest levels of sports, everyone is roughly the same. It’s only mindset that makes the difference. Tiger Woods was easily the best in the world, but when he lost his mindset in one night, it set him back for years.

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