“OK. I get it. Video is the way to go. But what do I make a video about?”

I hear you. Creating original content can be frustrating if you approach it in time-tested ways. And I’ve always just given my stock answers to this problem. Usually they’re enough to help someone give it a try. But I’ve held back as well.

Why? Well, it’s kind of a long story, but after you understand, it’s unlikely that you’ll run out of topics to make videos about for a long, long time…

    18 replies to "How to get ideas for your videos"

    • Geoff Marlow

      Hi Steve

      My inclination is towards creating videos that address topics where (business) people are currently misinformed by proponents of ‘best practice’ that no longer is…

      That’s a HUUUUUGE field, including: performance management, talent management, learning and development, innovation, organisational change, leadership, teambuilding, etc, etc…



      • Steven Washer

        Sounds like you should never run out of ideas, Geoff! 🙂

    • Lucas Selbach

      Great, Steve!

      That´s the thing we need! Motivation by our own purposes of increasing knowledge and make a change.

      Once I´ve heard that everything that we KNOW is supposed to be GIVEN TO SOMEONE, because we own only what we are LEARNING. Once is known, it must be spread.

      Your advice makes COMPLETE SENSE in this line of taught.

      Thanks (again)!!

      Regards from Brasil!
      Lucas Selbach

      • Steven Washer

        Love that thought, Lucas! You can only take with you that which you give away…

    • Jaime Espiritu

      Hi, Steve

      You’ve just unlocked my brain freeze about ideas. Let make a mind map of “What Do I want to learn about” and see what I come up with.

      • Steven Washer

        A mind map is another great idea. And maybe not even limit yourself to just words, but also images that spark your imagination.

    • David Perata

      Hi Steve –

      I love communication with other humans. My traditional methods have been writing articles, books and popular songs. Video has opened up an entire new potential for me, and as I have yet to actually film one, I have several planned on the boards.

      I feel that a person can really express sincerity through video that doesn’t always come through in the written word. There is so much more one can do through vocal intonation and such that folks are familiar with through everyday life. We don’t as a rule write our way through life, we speak our way through.

      I cannot speak from experience as one who has made videos yet, but the ones I have planned are an introductory video on my home page telling about the site and videos made from essay topics. One such topic is how to call radio & TV stations to pitch them for a booking on their show.

      Because a verbal pitch over the phone totally relies on vocal intonation to express ideas, moods and sincerity, a video is the perfect way to show people how I did it.

      Anyway, I’m long-winded as usual, but my point is that when you’re thinking about video, think especially about those topics where vocal (and facial) expression would best be served by a video as opposed to an essay.

      • Steven Washer

        And perhaps the one-to-one relationship of sitting down and chatting with someone adds to the communication. Video is pretty good at this, too. So it’s a good point.

        There are video-centric topics such as performing a demonstration can be extremely helpful. One of my friends says “a demonstration is worth a hundred testimonials”. Pretty dramatic, eh?

    • Stephen Byrne

      Hi Steve,
      Thank you so much for this video and all the others: they are so useful.
      Now you also asked us for our suggestions about how to get ideas. And I know you yourself do this one already.
      It’s this: you open the door to other people’s questions.
      Now this behaviour is quite unlike those impersonal businesses which give every appearance of not wanting to hear from us.
      So – true – it takes me time each day; and you too, I’m sure – to read and answer questions.
      And for sure, not every question is valuable to a wider audience.
      All the same, when the door is open to Q&A, it’s another way in which ideas can reach you.
      Ideas which I might (or might not) have had myself – but now I know they’re interesting to others also.
      Thanks again for your brilliant advice.

    • Steven Washer

      Yes, other people’s questions are incredibly valuable. And unless they are only about that person’s business, they have much wider application than we might suppose. Thanks!

    • Lucien

      Great info as always Steve. In my case I find that I am paralyzed by the need to be “right” and perfect. I’ve heard that “friends don’t let friends make crappy videos”. I realize that no outside influence will change this and that I must overcome my own self inflicted paralysis.

      Nice to see Stevie again. Don’t be so mean to him. Poor little guy is just trying to help. I’m a bit surprised that you let him play with scissors.

      Thanks for the great videos!

      • Steven Washer

        I guess I could be nicer to him, but he’s so exasperating!

        But getting to your point, perfectionism is a kind of irrational fear.

        So I would suggest watching this video by my friend Jaeny:
        It might make you feel a lot better!

    • steven speliotis

      Hello Steve,

      No matter what my mood is, Its always uplifting to hear from you.
      That is the video message I like to create for others.
      I am passionate about telling the small businessperson’s story.
      What makes them do what they do.
      So interviews, testimonials, destinations and a little adventure is what I look for.
      Thank you for all you share ~ the world in which you touch is a little better -off…


      • Steven Washer

        Thank you for the kind words, Steven. So…your inner game connecting with their inner game. Fascinating concept!

    • David Pisarra, Esq


      Thank you so much for your inspirational works.

      As a divorce and Father’s Rights attorney I’ve found that there is an endless supply of material in prior case studies, outlines for my books, the many “Just a quick question…” phone calls, and the newspaper. It doesn’t take much to look around and see that many people want free information, and all we have to do as “experts” is lose our self-consciousness and share the basics that we know freely.

      Love the videos you do, and Thank You again.

      David Pisarra, Esq.

      • Steven Washer

        Thanks, David. “Newsjacking” is a great way to create some viral activity around your idea. Keep up the good work!

    • Warren Hayford

      Hi Steve,

      Great content today. I heard about pioneers slightly differently. In a big corporations you can tell the pioneers because they have arrows in the front and bullets in their backs.

      I will try this technique out and let you know how it works for me.


      • Steven Washer

        Hm. Perhaps we need to set up a “pioneer hotline” :))
        Good luck, Warren!

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