Authentic Video Marketing. What does that mean? Is it just another gobbeldy-gook statement? Not at all. It’s nothing less than the key to getting everything you can out of video. It’s the secret to connecting with your ideal prospects. And it’s the cure for the common video.

Authentic video marketing means being yourself, but it means much more than this. In this video, you’ll go down the winding path that leads to clarity in what you’re doing on video and how you’re doing it.

Along the way you may recognize a few characters. One of them may even be yourself.

Authentic video marketing is not just a nice-sounding statement. It’s going to be a major element of your success in 2012 and beyond!

    5 replies to "The Key to Being Authentic in Your Videos"

    • Nancy

      Love this — “Authenticity beats perfection.” So true.

    • joe

      That video was wonderful, the 2nd and 3rd layer get that I’m comfortable in front of people but I hate to see myself with double jowls and graying hair…that’s why I do videos with my voice over but with pictures/slideshow format…

      Really appreciate your time with this and you do a marvelous job with graphics striking home your point.

      • Steven Washer

        I know what you mean, Joe. Many’s the day…
        So does this mean you’re still gonna hide out or tell your inner critic to take a hike?

    • Nate

      Not afraid to shoot, just need to get off the duff and learn how to do it the right way. Really do appreciate your sharings.

    • Rebecca

      Steve I’m always impressed with your ease on camera. I yearn to be as comfortable and relaxed! Gotta get over the technical hump first; so much to learn, Notice I didn’t say so much to perfect!

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