non-profits225Would you like to be able to get a bigger share of your audience to donate?

Then it’s important to stop giving them reasons
Don’t get me wrong. Reasons are important. But not until the sale is made. That’s right. We don’t really care about reasons until after we’ve decided to donate and the objections have already come up.

But hey, today let’s not deal with objections. Let’s just take a laser look at creating that strong impulse to donate.

How do we build desire?
The desire to donate comes from the desire to give selflessly. And how does that happen in a culture where progress, money and achievement are valued so highly? There’s only one place it can come from; a sense of empowerment.

But most associations try to guilt you into donating which is kind of the opposite of empowering. Perhaps it’s the reason many non-profits struggle.

So let’s look at what does work. Because hey, it’s a challenge, empowering people to give to your cause in the space of a few minutes, which is all you normally have to make your pitch. So to make the most of your time, you have to activate one of the prime buying drivers to do it.

Desire is built on human drivers
According to Direct Marketing guru Denny Hatch, there are a variety of human drivers you can use to sell your stuff. Anger, flattery, exclusivity, guilt, something-for-nothing; all of these and more you’ll recognize in scads of promotions you’ve seen over the years.

But there is one that works exceedingly well for non-profits, though many haven’t got a clue as to how to use it. And yet, the strategy is so simple and clean, anyone can. All you need is social media; specifically YouTube, Facebook, G+ and Pinterest.

Why? Because these are the most effective means you can get your message to crack open and empower the whole universe of potential donors.

And just what is this message you’re delivering?

Now, you might think that promising salvation is blasphemous. Of course, I’m not talking about buying your way into heaven. I’m talking about helping your donor access their higher self, which is always a bigger and more generous version of the little ego we lug around all day. That’s the more down-to-earth application of salvation.

So how do you do it? Well, rather than to explain it in words, I invite you to watch the video below. It’s a great example of empowering through salvation.

Stories sell without selling
Mind you, it isn’t a donor appeal video. But imagine your non-profit adopted it, ran it on YouTube, updated their Facebook and G+ pages with it, tweeted it out and promoted on Pinterest. And then followed up with more logical appeals. Imagine the impact and good will it would create.

Summary: Don’t try to give me reasons until I’m properly conditioned. Until then, you’re talking to a small, dense, selfish brick wall. After the video I’ll be bigger, broader, softer, more generous and eager to give.

Ah, but don’t take my word. Watch the video and experience it for yourself…

And then go empower someone!

By the way, after you watch this, you might want to ask yourself how the salvation driver could be put to good use in the for-profit world!

I’m working on something really cool for video blogging that’s been needed for some time. I’ve even asked my friend Jaeny Baik to help. Looks like the end of April. More to come…

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    9 replies to "The Secret Formula For Successful Non-Profit Videos"

    • Neill Neill


    • Carolyn

      It actually brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the powerful lesson/message!


      I am make a decision write a book ,but Now I am writing a article and then publish it. All in all, hope that the economy from a little better this year. Began to enter into a virtuous cycle.

    • Jaime Espiritu

      These are my kind of videos. I would love making more of these stories in the for profit world. I’ll dissect this to see if I can use some of these ideas.

    • Cathy Nagle-Ervin

      Awesome video Steve! Thanks for making me cry today and I’ll defintely hug my Dad tonight.

    • Tom


      Thanks so much for sharing this!

    • Dr Janet Hall

      Total tear-jerker and heart warmer. Thank you so much for inspiring me to be more heartful in my videos and less clever. I wish my
      Dad was here for me to hug! he was a wonderful giver.

      • Steve

        I hear you, Janet. And this is but one kind of driver. There is also a place for clever, as long as it adds humor to the mix.

        However, when it comes to this theme, I am reminded of Rumi’s saying, “sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment”.

    • Moataz

      Thanks Steve,
      You are clever and sensitive man, this short film touched my emotion, Great example and lesson. Thanks for sharing.

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