I see this a lot and it makes me sad. It does. Someone makes a video. Clearly they spent some time on it. They must have had some kind of an important business objective for it.

But that’s as far as it goes. Within 20 seconds it’s all too clear I’ve encountered another me-too marketer.

This doesn’t need to happen to anyone in our orbit, especially after today.

Just try this, and you almost can’t help but position yourself correctly.

    6 replies to "How to Create a Video Series – Part 2 – The End of Me-Too Marketing"

    • Susan Gregg

      I was about to make a video, watched yours and now I have changed the opening. Have you every wondered why is it so hard to quiet your mind? instead of a video on quieting your mind.

      As always thanks Steve

      • Steven

        Sounds good, Susan. I’d watch that.

    • Sheryl Kurland

      Great info, as usual. I always like how you simply and compress things for the non-pro. Thanks, Steve.

    • Sheryl Kurland

      “simplify”… not “simply”….sorry for the typo!!!

      • Steven

        Thank you, Sheryl. Sometimes my simple compressed brain comes in handy. 🙂

    • William Lee

      I always learn so such from viewing these videos….

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